Asta in rete

 Salva CondividiCondividi
asta 16749.74 • Rif #B21346 • Tribunale di Ancona • C.P. 2/2009

Apartament with garage in Porto Recanati - Sub 74 - Building D - Montarice

Porto Recanati (MC) - Italy



Apartment and garage in Porto Recanati (MC), Loc. Montarice
The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Porto Recanati at sheet 12:
Parcel 1301 – Sub 74 – Category A/3
Parcel 1301 – Sub 8 – Category C/6
The apartment is located at the second floor of a building of greater consistency, arranged in a line, that rises over three floors and consisting of 29 apartments and 39 garages.
Access is from the condominium stairs that leads to the individual entrances of the various apartments.
Internally it is divided into living room, kitchen, two bathrooms and two bedrooms. There are also two balconies.
The floors are made of tiles, the fixtures are in painted wood and the doors with adjustable slats are in painted aluminum.
There is a bathroom with a jacuzzi.
The garage is located in the basement of the same building, access is from the condominium driveway ramp or from the condominium staircase that gives access to the square where the property stands.
In the garage there is the predisposition for the connection of a washing machine and the lighting system

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superficie Superficie:69
  • Balcone Balcone:16
  • Garage Garage:20
  • Piano Piano:2
  • Libero Libero:

info Cauzione
EUR 9.900,00
info Prezzo di riserva
info Rilancio minimu
EUR 1.000,00
info Vistata
by appointment
info Commissione dell'acquirente
see specific terms
info Prezzi indicati senza IVA
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