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 Sarva CundividiCundividi
asta 8341 • lotto: N3 - N4 - N5 • Rif #B45181 • Tribunali di Ancona • Autunnu. 21/2013

Stores in Porto Recanati (MC) - LOTS N3-N4-N5 - PIAZZA BRANCONDI

Porto Recanati (MC)



Stores for sale in Porto Recanati (MC) Piazza Brancondi LOTS N3-N4-N5

The stores are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Porto Recanati at sheet 11:

Parcel 331 - Sub 32 and Sub 41 (N3)
Parcel 331 - Sub 33 and Sub 42 (N4)
Parcel 331 - Sub 34 and Sub 44 (N5)

The store N3 is located on the ground floor of a building on the corner with Corso Matteotti and has a commercial area of 135 square meters. The two sub. are connected by an internal staircase. On the ground floor there is a small bathroom with anteroom. At the first floor you can also access by the condominium staircase. The first floor has an "open space" overlooking Piazza Brancondi and Corso Matteotti.

The store N4 is located on the ground floor of a building with pedestrian access on Piazza Brancondi and has a commercial area of 107 square meters. The two sub. are connected by an internal staircase. On the ground floor there is a small bathroom with anteroom. Upstairs you can also access via the condominium staircase. The upper floor has an "open space" overlooking both Piazza Brancondi and an internal courtyard thanks to two French windows. The basement has an independent access from that of the store.

The store N5 is located on the ground floor of a building with pedestrian access on Piazza Brancondi and the internal gallery. It has a commercial area of 104 square meters. The two sub. are connected by an internal staircase. On the ground floor there is a small bathroom with anteroom. Upstairs you can also access via the condominium staircase. The first floor has an "open space" overlooking both Piazza Brancondi. The basement has an independent access from that of the store.

It should be noted that the price is inclusive of the related condominium expenses incurred by the Bankruptcy Curator in December 2019-April 2020 in relation to each of the stores covered by the single lot offered for sale.

For further information consult the appraisal (NEGOZIO N3 - NEGOZIO N4 - NEGOZIO N5) and the attached documentation.


  • Superfici Superfici:346
  • Fogghiu Fogghiu:11
  • Particella Particella:311
  • Sottu Sottu:32-41 - 33-42 - 34-44
  • Pianu Pianu:TERRA
  • Cod. Lotto Cod. Lotto:N3 - N4 - N5

info Cauzziuni
EUR 55.964,00
info Prezzo di riserva
info Rilancio minimu
EUR 2.500,00
info Visiuni
by appointment
info Commissioni d'acquisto
See specific terms
info Prezzi indicati IVA esclusa
Cundizioni ginirali Cundizioni specifiche Richiedi 'nfurmazioni Richiedi a vista

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