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 Salva CondividiCondividi
asta 15370.5 • lotto: 5 • Rif #B50344 • Tribunale de Ancona • Autunno. 24/2020

Residential building under construction in Castelplanio (AN) - LOT 5

Castelplanio (AN)



Residential building under construction in Castelplanio (AN), Locality Pozzetto - LOT 5

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Castelplanio at sheet 6:

Parcel 475 - Sub 3 - Category F/3

The building is part of a larger subdivision plan and is marked as building A.
It rises on three floors above ground and one underground. The ground floor, the first and the second floor house 4 apartments in total, while in the basement there are cellars and garages.
To date, the property is under construction and the following works are to be carried out: flooring, painting, installation of doors on the ground floor, on the second floor there are no partition walls. The technological systems are incomplete.
The ground floor apartments are divided into a living area with open-space typology, kitchenette, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. There is a large terrace and a garden.
The apartments on the first floor are divided into a living area with an open-space type, kitchenette, two bedrooms and a bathroom. An internal staircase connects the first floor to the second floor where a single room has been created overlooking the living room and a bathroom.

Please note the presence of remediable building differences.

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.


  • Superficie Superficie:331,30
  • Piano Piano:S1 -T - 1 - 2
  • Cod. Lotto Cod. Lotto:5

info Cauzione
EUR 16.800,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minimo
EUR 1.000,00
info Visione
by appointment
info Commissione pe' chi compra
info Prezzi indicati senza IVA
Condizioni generali Condizioni specifiche Chiedi informazioni Richiedi 'na visione

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