Apartment and garage in Telese Terme (BN)
Telese Terme (BN), Via Fausto Coppi
Apartment and garage in Telese Terme (BN), Via degli Aironi 11 (ex Via Fausto Coppi snc)
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Telese Terme at sheet 9:
Parcel 1418 - Sub 17 - Category A/2 - Class 4 - Consistency 7 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 650.74
Apartment located on the third floor of a larger building.
Access is from the condominium staircase and internally it is divided into entrance living room, kitchen, hallway, two bathrooms and three bedrooms. There are 4 balconies and in a balcony is a storage room.
The garage is located on the ground floor of the same building. Access is from the condominium courtyard.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Storia delle Aste
- EUR 6.952,00
Prezzo de riserva
Rilancio minimo
- EUR 1.000,00
- by appointment
Commissione pe' chi compra
- see specific terms
- -40%
Prezzi indicati senza IVA