Industrial building in Aprilia (LT)
Aprilia (LT)
Industrial building in Aprilia (LT), via delle Scienze 1
The property is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Aprilia at sheet 100:
PARCEL 299 - Sub 5 - CATEGORY D/7 - CADASTRAL RENT 2,969.63 Euro
The area, which is accessed directly from road through a road with easement of acces, has a service area for driveability and maneuver of heavy vehicles.
Property is an industrial building consisting of two buildings with different heights, inside which there is a double-height area, due to the presence of a mezzanine, intended for offices, an area intended for eviction and an area intended for bathrooms.
For further information consult attached appraisal and documents
Stòriche Aste
- Cauzione
- EUR 2.874,00
- Prezze de riserva
- Rilancio minimu
- EUR 1.000,00
- Visiune
- by appointment - 07/09/2020
- Commissione d'u compratore
- see Specific Terms
- Ribbassu
- -80%
- Prezzi indicati senza IVA