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asta 13572 • Rif #B50529 • Tribunale de Napoli • Autunno. 48/2020

House with lands in Melizzano (BN)

Melizzano (BN)


House with lands in Melizzano (BN), Locality Adocchia

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Melizzano at sheet 11:

Parcel 908 - Category A/2 - Class 2 - Consistency 9.5 compartments - Cadastral Rent € 588.76

The lands are registered at Land Registry of City of Melizzano at:

Sheet 11 - Parcel 907 - Arborated arable land - Surface 2.498 sqm - R.D. € 13.55 - R.A. € 14.19
Sheet 12 - Parcel 404 - Arborated arable land - Surface 1,200 sqm - R.D. € 6.51 - R.A. € 6.82
Sheet 12 - Parcel 522 - Arborated arable land - Surface 1,830 sqm - R.D. € 9.92 - R.A. € 10.40

The property in question is spread over two levels: the ground floor is a single room where there is the staircase leading to the second floor, a storage room and a bathroom, while the second floor consists of two bedrooms and a bathroom. The state of maintenance is very bad.

Please note the presence of cadastral and urban planning differencest.

The lands, of 5,528 square meters, have a steep slope and are:
• outside the perimeter of the Taburno - Camposauro Regional Park Plan;
• according to the Territorial Landscape Plan approved with D.M. of 30.09.96 falls in the Integrated Conservation of the Landscape of the Mountain and Hills (C.I.P.) area;
• according to the P.R.G. approved by Decree of the President of the Provincial Council n. 18655 of 08.07.1989 and Decree of the Regional Council of Campania n. 5994 of 26.09.89 falls into the Normal Agricultural Area En. The parcel 907 of sheet 11 is subject to the road buffer zone R1

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superfice Superfice:182,18

Stòriche Aste

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Valore iniziale de Stima

    50.173,84 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Prezze attuale

    126,30 €/mq

info Cauzione
EUR 2.301,00
info Prezze de riserva
info Rilancio minimu
EUR 1.150,00
info Visiune
by appointment
info Commissione d'u compratore
see specific terms
info Ribbassu
info Prezzi indicati senza IVA
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