Asta on-line

 Sàlva CondividiCondividi
asta 24037 • Rif #B65318 • Tribunale de Vicenza • Liq. d'u Patrimoniu 21/2020

Apartment with workshop and cellar in Valbrenta (VI)

Valbrenta (VI), Località Carpanè, Piazza IV Novembre 2/4

Apartment di 118 mq

Apartment with workshop and cellar in Valbrenta (VI), Località Carpanè, Piazza IV Novembre 2/4

The buildings are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Valbrenta at sheet 18:

Parcel 121 – Sub 3 – Category A/2 – Class 3 – Consistency of 5 compartments – Cadastral Rent € 309.87
Parcel 123 – Sub 2
Parcel 121 – Sub 2 – Category C/3 – Class U – Consistency 58 sqm – Cadastral Rent € 74.89

The property in question is located in the small square of the municipality, with access from an external staircase. It is internally divided into a living room, kitchen, utility room, hallway, two bathrooms and two bedrooms.
The laboratory room is located on the ground floor and is directly connected to the apartment above via an internal staircase. This staircase is located in the living room and leads to a hallway/laundry/heating room which then leads to the laboratory.
The laboratory also has direct access from the window overlooking the square.
The cellar is located in the basement.

This is a building of historical-environmental interest identified by the Current Intervention Plan with specific symbols, protection level 3: buildings of historical and environmental value for which the conservation of the external casing and internal structural and functional elements is of interest.

Please note the presence of cadastral discrepancies.

It is also noted that the furnishings and/or equipment present are not included in the valuation of the property and are not part of the sale.

For the purpose of formulating the offer, the bidder must also present the offer form attached to the auction form and send it together with the documentation required in the Sale Notice and/or in the conditions of sale according to the methods indicated therein.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.


  • Superfice Superfice:118,30
  • Mq Cantine Mq Cantine:9.6


Stòriche Aste

  • Valore di stima immobile
    Valore iniziale de Stima

    98.700,00 €

  • Valore iniziale immobile
    Prezze attuale

    500,59 €/mq

Registrate a l'asta
info Cauzione
EUR 5.922,00
info Prezze de riserva
info Rilancio minimu
EUR 1.000,00
info Visiune
su appuntamento
info Commissione d'u compratore
see specific terms
info Ribbassu
info Prezzi indicati senza IVA
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