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 Sarva CondivideCondivide
asta 23767 • Rif #B55442 • Tribunale de Foggia • Caduta. 26/2020

Factory in Lucera (FG) - LOT 1

Lucera (FG), Strada Provinciale 5



Factory in Lucera (FG), Strada Provinciale 5 - LOT 1

The property is listed in the Building Registry of the Municipality of Lucera at Sheet 28:
Parcel 7 - Sub 5 - Category D/7 - R.C. € 48,589.98

The lands are listed in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Lucera at Sheet 21:
Parcel 221 - Productive uncultivated land - Surface 732 sqm - R.D. € 0.11 - R.A. € 0.19
Parcel 717 - Arable land - Surface 5,311 sqm - R.D. € 23.31 - R.A. € 16.46

The industrial complex consists of:
• Prefabricated shed housing the baking oven and the carriage handling line. Height under beam 7.60 meters, gross area 3880.00 sqm;
• Prefabricated shed used as additive silo. Height under beam 4.70 meters, gross area 763.00 sqm;
• Prefabricated shed used as clay silo and pre-processing of the same, partly underground, built with reinforced concrete walls and overlying metal structure, consisting of pillars and beams, with curved roof, part in corrugated asbestos cement sheets (1072.00 sqm x h 9.50 meters) and part in corrugated metal sheet (351.00 sqm x h 6.50 meters), with external cladding with flat corrugated metal sheets. Gross area 1423.00 sqm;
• Metal shed to protect the flaker-rolling mill plant. Height under beam 7.60 meters, gross area 443.00 sqm;
• Metal shed to protect the mixer plant. Height under beam 6.00 meters, gross area 750.00 sqm;
• Metal roof to protect the central corridor connecting the various production sectors, made with a metal structure. Height under beam 4.80 meters, gross area 1040.00 sqm;
• Old brick-built storage-electrical cabin premises in a precarious state of maintenance. Height 3.00 meters, gross area 560.00 sqm;
• Old brick-built storage-workshop premises. Average height 4.60 meters, gross area 391.00 sqm;
• Metal roof to protect various machinery and plants. Gross area 1767 sqm;
• Building with reinforced concrete structure and masonry cladding. Height under beam 6.00 meters, gross area 685.00 sqm;
• Building intended for offices and warehouses. Gross area 403.00 sqm;
• Metal roof, for car parking, with metal structure. Gross area 442 sqm;
• Concrete conglomerate square meters 14,060
• Bituminous conglomerate square meters 3,900;
• Stabilized mixed square meters 3,066;
• Natural bottom square meters 21,500;
• Uncultivated land (part of parcel 7 of sheet 28) 4.65.62 hectares. Uncultivated land (part 221 and 717 of sheet 21) 0.60.43 hectares, for a total area of 5.26.05 hectares

It is noted that some of the sheds have asbestos cement roofs that need to be remediated.

The sale includes the instrumental assets necessary for the activity better described in the attachment.

For further information, please refer to the expertise and documentation attached.


  • Sup. cummerciale Sup. cummerciale:107687
  • Superfice Superfice:8.895
  • Mq Corte Mq Corte:42526
  • Tettoia Tettoia:3249
  • Uffici Uffici:412
  • Tereni Tereni:52605

info Cauzione
EUR 32.000,00
info Prezzo de riserva
info Rilancio minimu
EUR 2.500,00
info Vede
by appointment
info Commissione d'acquisto
info Prezzi indicati senza IVA
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